NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS II Keeping as close to normal as possible, I have recorded 16 lectures of approximately 50 minutes on my iPad for you to watch. There are 4 problem sheets (available from the course web page), one associated with each class for the course. They require the material of approximately the first 4,8,12,16 lectures of the course respectively. I have uploaded PDF files of the lecture notes as written during the lectures onto the course web page. There are also printed lecture notes as produced for his previous version of the course by Ricardo Ruiz Baier that I have made available from the course web pages. Much of the material covered there is the same as my course, though he introduced some more advanced material than me, especially into the lectures on hyperbolic equations. I have uploaded these printed notes just in case you might find parts of them useful - in all cases it is the material that I have lectured on that defines what is in the course this year for the exam. Andy Wathen 23/12/20