%% A guide to Matlab publish % %% Introduction % % Matlab offers a very nice way to present work, combining code, comments, % figures, etc. This facility, named publish, is a neat way to prepare % assignments for handing in for this course. A short discussion follows. % We recommend that you look at both the .m file and the .html output to % see which commands do what. %% % If you are reading the .m file, then simply % type "publish('publish_guide.m')" in the Matlab command window. This % command will publish this file and once done, the command window will % display the path where the corresponding .html file has been generated. % Copy this path and paste it in the url bar of your favorite internet % browser (firefox for instance!) and see the published output. %% % If you are already reading this in .html format, we recommend that you % open the .m file and publish it again to make sure that it works. % %% The use of %% % % If we start a line with %% Matlab's publish would consider that as a % signal to make a new "cell" for the code and comments that % follow. Now there are two ways we % can use %%. If we begin a line with %% and then write something % afterwards on the same line, that something becomes the heading of a new % chapter and this chapter heading is added to the table of contents shown in the % bginning of the published output. The chapter we are reading right now was created % by writing "%% The use of %%" in the first line of this chapter. To create a new chapter % called "More on the use of %%", we say: %% More on the use of %% %% % If on the other hand we only put %% in a line and then start our work % from the next line with a single % in the beginning, this would generate % a new paragraph/section. Here is an example: %% Comments with %% % Let us declare a variable x: x = 1; %% % This is an important comment about x and it written with a %% line in the % beginning, hence this does not appear as part of the code. %% Comments without %% % Let us declare a variable xx: xx = linspace(-1,1, 101); % This is an important comment about xx but written without a %% line in the % beginning and hence it appears within the code block. %% Results and figures % A great benefit of using publish is the automatic inclusion of figures % and calculation results in your files. Below we find the value of the % 20th entry of the vector xx: xx20 = xx(20) % Semicolon omitted, so, result will be shown in the output. %% % Figures get put in the correct place automatically: plot(xx,sin(4*pi*xx),'--k'), title('sin(4\pix)') %% Making Lists % To make a numbered list, insert a blank line with a % and then for each % item in the list start a new line with "% #" in the beginning. Here is an % example: % % # ITEM 1 % # ITEM 2 %% % To make a bulleted list, use the same pattern but for each bullet % use "% *" in the beginning of each line. For example: % % * ITEM1 % * ITEM2 %% Adding listing of functions % The type command allows you to see a listing of a function so you can use % this within publish to add the text of a function you have written. An % example using the Matlab function primes is: type primes %% How to publish in other formats % Finally, it's worth mentioning that it's possible to publish in other % format than .html, such as .tex. For changing the format and other % options, from the Matlab editor, go to File -> Publish configuration for % ... -> Edit publish configuration for ... or simply type "help publish" % to see what other options are available.