Course Term: Trinity
Course Weight: 1
Course Overview:

16 hrs.
area: PT
prequel/pre-requisite: Advanced Quantum Field Theory for Particle Physics (HT)

Course Syllabus:

Fundamental properties of the Standard Model, its exact and approximate symmetries, gauge dynamics and matter content. The idea of effective field theories with examples (the chiral Lagrangian description of low-energy confining QCD, and Fermi theory). Scale dependence of couplings: the renormalisation group and relevant, marginal, and irrelevant interactions. Electroweak symmetry breaking and W/Z-boson and Higgs phenomenology, and fundamental open questions.
Introduction to the physics of anomalies. Possible UV completion of the SM to a Grand Unified Theory, and the successes and failures of gauge coupling unification and matter unification, including first look at the Hierarchy Problem. Proton decay. Neutrino masses. CP-violation and electric dipole moments. The strong CP problem of QCD.

External Lecturer(s):

Prof John March-Russell

Assessment Type:

No formal assessment; homework completion