This course presupposes basic knowledge of First Order Predicate Calculus up to and including the Soundness and Completeness Theorems. A familiarity with (at least the statement of) the Compactness Theorem would also be desirable.
The course deepens a student's understanding of the notion of a mathematical structure and of the logical formalism that underlies every mathematical theory, taking B1 Logic as a starting point. Various examples emphasise the connection between logical notions and practical mathematics.
The concepts of completeness and categoricity will be studied and some more advanced technical notions, up to elements of modern stability theory, will be introduced.
Prof. Ehud Hrushovski
Students will have developed an in depth knowledge of the notion of an algebraic mathematical structure and of its logical theory, taking B1 Logic as a starting point. They will have an understanding of the concepts of completeness and categoricity and more advanced technical notions.
Structures. The first-order language for structures. The Compactness Theorem for first-order logic. Elementary embeddings. Loewenheim-Skolem theorems. Preservation theorems for substructures. Model Completeness. Quantifier elimination.
Categoricity for first-order theories. Types and saturation. Omitting types. The Ryll Nardzewski theorem characterizing aleph-zero categorical theories. Theories with few types. Ultraproducts.