General Prerequisites:
Basic familiarity with fluid equations and stress tensors as provided, e.g., by Kinetic Theory
Course Term: Hilary
Course Lecture Information: 16 lectures
Course Weight: 1
Course Overview:
Areas: CMT, Astro.
Prequels: Kinetic Theory (MT), an undergraduate course on Fluid Dynamics.
1 unit.
Method of assessment: Choose from Written Examination in TT week 0 OR homework completion.
Lecturers: Dr Paul Dellar and Prof Caroline Terquem.
This a Physics course. Additional course materials such as problem sheets, homework hand in, and lecture recording can be found at the Canvas site at: Lectures can be accessed from this link, but if you need a direct link to lectures they can be found at:
Prequels: Kinetic Theory (MT), an undergraduate course on Fluid Dynamics.
1 unit.
Method of assessment: Choose from Written Examination in TT week 0 OR homework completion.
Lecturers: Dr Paul Dellar and Prof Caroline Terquem.
This a Physics course. Additional course materials such as problem sheets, homework hand in, and lecture recording can be found at the Canvas site at: Lectures can be accessed from this link, but if you need a direct link to lectures they can be found at: