Course Term: Trinity
Course Lecture Information: 16 lectures
Course Overview:
This module provides students with a core of programming skills in the Python programming language. It focusses on the object-oriented programming model, which is very widely used in mathematical programming. This module will place students in a stronger position to undertake research projects with a computational component.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
– write short programmes to specifications for mathematical problems;
– create and use classes and objects appropriately;
– understand the concepts of encapsulation and abstraction that underpin object-oriented programming;
– understand the concept of an abstract data type and its implementation;
– demonstrate familiarity with common abstract data types and key algorithms using them;
– demonstrate algorithmic reasoning skills and the ability to understand programme execution in an object-oriented context.
– demonstrate a developing capability to debug and test code.