Recorded Lectures from 2020-2021
Main content blocks
- Lecturer: Profile: Emmanuel Breuillard
Introduction to partial derivatives. Second order derivatives and statement of condition for equality of mixed partial derivatives. Chain rule, change of variable, including planar polar coordinates. Solving some simple partial differential equations (e.g. \(f_{xy} = 0, f_x = f_y\). [3.5]
Parametric representation of curves, tangents. Arc length. Line integrals. [1]
Jacobians with examples including plane polar coordinates. Some simple double integrals calculating area and also \(\int_{\mathbb{R}^2} e^{-(x^2+y^2)} dA\). [2]
Simple examples of surfaces, especially as level sets. Gradient vector; normal to surface; directional derivative; \(\int^B_A \nabla \phi \cdot d\mathbf{r} = \phi(B)-\phi(A)\).[2]
Taylor's Theorem for a function of two variables (statement only). Critical points and classification using directional derivatives and Taylor's theorem. Informal (geometrical) treatment of Lagrange multipliers.[3.5]
Section outline
This block of work corresponds to Week 1. It covers the following topics: definite integrals, indefinite integrals, initial-value problems (ODEs). The relevant sections of the lecture notes are Chapters 1 and 2.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 1
Lecture 2Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Comments on lecture notes Chapter 1
Comments on lecture notes Chapter 2
This block of work corresponds to Week 2. It covers several techniques for solving ordinary differential equations, including substitutions, homogeneous linear equations, boundary value problems, and some examples of inhomogeneous equations.
The relevant new section in the lecture notes is Chapter 3.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 5
Lecture 6 Lecture 7
Lecture 8 Comments on lecture notes Chapter 3
This block of work corresponds to Week 4. It covers more (implicit) partial differentiation, and several techniques for finding solutions of partial differentiation equations.
The relevant section of the lecture notes is Chapter 4.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 12 (part 1)
Lecture 12 (part 2)Lecture 13
Comments on lecture notes Chapter 4 (part 2)
This block of work corresponds to Week 5. It covers Jacobians, change of coordinates, and applications to PDEs.
The relevant section of the lecture notes is Chapter 5.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 14
Lecture 15a
Lecture 15b
Comments on lecture notes Chapter 5 (part 1)
Comments on lecture notes Chapter 5 (part 2)
This block of work corresponds to Week 6. It covers double integrals, change of variables, applications, including the computation of area and length.
The relevant sections in the lecture notes are Chapters 6 and 7.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 16aLecture 16bLecture 17aLecture 17bComments on lecture notes Chapter 6Comments on lecture notes Chapter 7
This block of work corresponds to Week 7. It covers the gradient of a function of two or three variables, level curves, the Laplacian, applications to geometry, Taylor series.
The relevant sections in the lecture notes are Chapters 8 and 9.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 18Lecture 19Comments on lecture notes Chapter 8Comments on lecture notes Chapter 9
This block of work corresponds to Week 8 (hurrah!). It covers critical points of functions in two or three variables, the Lagrange multiplier method, and application to finding extrema.
The relevant sections in the lecture notes are Chapters 10 and 11.
Please watch the videos for: Lecture 20Lecture 21Lecture 21bComments on lecture notes Chapter 10Comments on lecture notes Chapter 11