Section outline

  • Here are the slides and practical exercises for the entire course.

    I am not expecting you to complete all the exercises.  Some of them are repetitive. I do have a schedule in mind which might help you to pace yourself through the lectures and exercises:

    Suggested timetable
    Week Video lectures to watch Suggested practical exercises
    Wk 3 Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3 Practical sheets 0 and 1
    Wk 4 Lecture 4, Lecture 5, Lecture 6 Practical sheet 2
    Wk 5 Lec 6A (on sharing), Lecture 7, Lecture 8, Lecture 9 Practical sheet 3
    Wk 6 Lecture 10, Lecture 11, Lec 11A (debugging), Lecture 12, Lecture 13 Practical sheet 4
    Wk 7 - "More practicals"