BEE Mathematical Extended Essay (2018-19)
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An essay on a mathematical topic may be offered for examination at Part B as a double unit. It is equivalent to a 32-hour lecture course. Generally, students will have 6 hours of supervision distributed over Michaelmas and Hilary terms. In addition there are lectures on writing mathematics and using LaTeX in Michaelmas and Hilary terms. See the lecture list for details.
Students considering offering an essay should read the Guidance Notes on Extended Essays and Dissertations in Mathematics. available at:
Students must apply to the Mathematics Projects Committee for approval of their proposed topic in advance of beginning work on their essay. Proposals should be addressed to the Chairman of the Projects Committee, c/o Ms Gemma Proctor, Room S0.20, Mathematical Institute and are accepted from the end of Trinity Term. All proposals must be received before 12noon on Friday of Week 0 of Michaelmas Full Term. Note that a BEE essay must have a substantial mathematical content. The application form is available at:
Once a title has been approved, it may only be changed by approval of the Chairman of the Projects Committee.
Each project is independently double-marked, normally by the project supervisor and one other assessor. The two marks are then reconciled to give the overall mark awarded. The reconciliation of marks is overseen by the examiners and follows the department's reconciliation procedure (see
TWO copies of your essay, identified by your candidate number only, should be sent to the Chairman of Examiners, FHS of Mathematics Part B, Examination Schools, Oxford, to arrive no later than 12noon on Monday of week 10, Hilary Term 2019. An electronic copy of your dissertation should also be submitted via the Mathematical Institute website. Further details may be found in the Guidance Notes on Extended Essays and Dissertations in Mathematics.