CCD Dissertations on a Mathematical Topic (2018-19)
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Students may offer a double-unit dissertation on a Mathematical topic for examination at Part C. A double-unit is equivalent to a 32-hour lecture course. Students will have a supervisor for their dissertation and will meet with them 4-5 times during Michaelmas and Hilary terms, together with the other students offering that dissertation topic. The group size will be between 2 and 5 students. The first meeting will take place in week 7 or 8 of Michaelmas term to provide them with the information needed to start work on their dissertation over the Christmas vacation and to agree the pattern of project supervision in Hilary term.
Students considering offering a dissertation should read the Guidance Notes on Extended Essays and Dissertations in Mathematics available at:
The list of potential dissertation topics will be published at [link] on Friday of week 0 of Michaelmas term, following the Dissertation Information Session. For each potential topic there will be a short abstract outlining the topic, details of prerequisite knowledge, suggested references and possible avenues of investigation. There will be a limit on the number of students each supervisor is able to supervise and this information will also be provided.
You will be asked to submit a ranked list of dissertation choices via an online form at [link] by 12noon on Friday of week 3. You will need to submit 6 choices, and will be given the opportunity to explain if there is a particular reason why you would like to do a specific topic. For example, you may like to undertake a dissertation in an area in which you are hoping to go on to further study.
You are not expected to make contact with the dissertation supervisor(s) before submitting your choices but if you have a question about a dissertation topic you should feel free to email the supervisor for further information.
Projects Committee will meet in week 4 to decide upon the allocation of dissertation topics and will seek to ensure that students receive one of their top choices as far as possible. You will be notified of which project you have been allocated at the start of week 5.
Dissertations are independently double-marked, normally by the dissertation supervisor and one other assessor. The two marks are then reconciled to give the overall mark awarded. The reconciliation of marks is overseen by the examiners and follows the department's reconciliation procedure (see
TWO copies of your dissertation, identified by your candidate number only, should be sent to the Chairman of Examiners, FHS of Mathematics Part C, Examination Schools, Oxford, to arrive no later than 12noon on Monday of week 1, Trinity term 2019. An electronic copy of your dissertation should also be submitted via the Mathematical Institute website. Further details may be found in the Guidance Notes on Extended Essays and Dissertations in Mathematics.
7500 word dissertation