Groups and Representations (2023-24)
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Course Term: Michaelmas
Course Lecture Information: 24 lectures
Course Overview:
24 lectures.
Areas: PT, CMT, Astro.
Method of assessment: Written Examination in HT week 0 AND homework completion (you must do both).
Lecturer: Prof Andre Lukas
This a Physics course. Additional course materials such as problem sheets, homework hand in, and lecture recording can be found at the Canvas site at: Lectures can be accessed from this link, but if you need a direct link to lectures they can be found at:
Areas: PT, CMT, Astro.
Method of assessment: Written Examination in HT week 0 AND homework completion (you must do both).
Lecturer: Prof Andre Lukas
This a Physics course. Additional course materials such as problem sheets, homework hand in, and lecture recording can be found at the Canvas site at: Lectures can be accessed from this link, but if you need a direct link to lectures they can be found at:
Course Synopsis: Basics on groups, representations, Schur's Lemma, representations of infinite groups, Lie groups,
Lie algebras, Lorentz and Poincare groups, SU
, SO
, spinor representations, roots, classification of
simple Lie algebras, weights, representations and Dynkin formalism.
Lie algebras, Lorentz and Poincare groups, SU
simple Lie algebras, weights, representations and Dynkin formalism.