General Prerequisites: Prequel/pre-requisite: Quantum Field Theory (MT)
Course Overview: 24 lectures.
1.5 units
Areas: PT.
Lecturer: Dr Lucian Harland-Lang
Method of assessment: Written exam in TT week 0.
This a Physics course. Additional course materials such as problem sheets, homework hand in, and lecture recording can be found at the Canvas site at: Lectures can be accessed from this link, but if you need a direct link to lectures they can be found at:
Course Synopsis: Scalar QED: local gauge symmetry, path integrals, photon propagator, derivation of Feynman rules, radiative corrections. Fermions: spinors, Dirac equation, fermion propagator, derivation of Feynman rules, trace theorems and spinor technology. QED: symmetries and Feynman rules, scattering processes, radiative corrections and beta function. QCD and non-abelian gauge theory: introduction, gauge-fixing, Feynman rules, scattering processes, radiative corrections and beta function, BRST. Spontaneous symmetry breaking: global symmetries, abelian gauge symmetry, non-abelian gauge symmetry. The Standard Model: electroweak symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism, brief overview of particle content and interactions.