Section outline

  • Lectures:  Tuesday 9-11 am and  Wednesday 9-11 am in L3 on Weeks 1-4.

    Classes:  Tutor  Enrico Marchetto;  TA Adam Kmec

    There will be three 2 hour long classes with the following schedule

    1st class: Week 3, 6th of May, L5, 11am-1pm (deadline for handing in solutions: Thursday 2nd of May, at 11am)

    2nd class: week 4, 13th of May, L5, 11am-1pm (deadline for handing in solutions Thursday 9th of May, at 11am)

    3rd class: week 6, 27th of May, L5, 11am-1pm (deadline for handing in solutions: Thursday 23rd of May, at 11am)