Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time (2023-24)
Section outline
- Monday 9-11 am in L5
- Friday 3-5 pm in L4
There will be three 2 hour long classes with the following schedule:- Week 2, Wed 1th of May 1-3pm in C4 or Thu 2th of May 1-3pm in C1
- Week 3, Wed 8th of May 1-3pm in C4 or Thu 9th of May 1-3pm in C1
- Week 4, Wed 15th of May 1-3PM in C4 or Thu 16th of May 1-3pm in C1
Class 1 is on Thursdays
Try to go to the class that is assigned to you. In this way the tutor who graded your homework will be teaching the class and will be able to give more personalised feedback.
Tutors and TA:
The tutors are Giuseppe Bogna (Class 1) and Alice Luscher (Class 2)
The TA for this course is Clément Virally
Deadline for problem sheets:
The deadline to hand in solutions is on Sunday at 11:59PM the week before the tutorial takes place. -
Note: typo in problem 1 has been corrected.
Problem 3 has been updated with more steps and a few hints.
These are the lecture notes for the course on Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime. Note that these notes are a work in progress and will be updated regularly.
If you spot any typo's, let me know.