C6.2 Continuous Optimisation (2024-25)
Main content blocks
- Lecturer: Profile: Coralia Cartis
Optimality conditions, steepest descent method, Newton and quasi-Newton methods, General line search methods, Trust region methods, Least squares problems and methods.
Part 2: Constrained Optimization
Optimality/KKT conditions, penalty and augmented Lagrangian for equality-constrained optimization, interior-point/ barrier methods for inequality constrained optimization. SQP methods.
Section outline
Introduction. Optimality conditions for unconstrained problems. (2021 Videos 1-3; Sheet 1)
Methods for unconstrained optimization. Linesearch algorithms (2021 Videos 4-6; Sheet 2)
Steepest descent methods (2021 Video 7, Sheet 2)
Newton's method for unconstrained optimization (2021 Videos 8-9; Sheet 2)
Quasi-Newton methods. Nonlinear least-squares and Gauss-Newton methods. (2021 Videos 10-11; Sheet 3)
Trust region methods. (2021 Videos 12-14, Sheet 3)
Optimality conditions for constrained problems. (2021 Videos 15-16, Sheet 4)
Penalty methods for constrained optimization (2021 Videos 17, Sheet 4)
Augmented Lagrangian methods (2021 Videos 18, Sheet 4)
Interior point methods for inequality constrained optimization problems (2021 Videos 19-20, Sheet 4)
SQP methods for constrained optimization (2021 Video 21) The content here is nonexaminable.
Complete proof of trust region methods convergence. Proof of second-order optimality conditions for constrained problems.
Mathematical Background. Resources and bibliography
Opened: Friday, 17 January 2025, 11:20 PM
Opened: Friday, 17 January 2025, 11:23 PM
Opened: Saturday, 18 January 2025, 9:04 AM
Opened: Saturday, 18 January 2025, 9:07 AM
Registration start: Monday, 13 January 2025, 12:00 PMRegistration end: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 PM
Class Tutor's Comments Assignment
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