README for A10: Fluids and Waves

Hilary Term 2022


Last updated: 7 Feb 2022


This document is intended to keep you up to date with administrative arrangements for A10: Fluids and Waves.

I will update this document as the need arises, so please check back regularly. 


Online lectures

The videos of the lectures for this course are available via Moodle through the standard route used at the Mathematical Institute for all courses.


As I do not write out the lecture notes as I go (mostly), the videos are quite a bit shorter than the standard 16 lecture hours for this course.  This is simply because writing on a board during a face-to-face lecture talks a lot of time. Also, I do not need to recap what I did last lecture at the start of the next lecture – you can simply look at the last lecture online!  The same material is covered as in the lectures delivered in previous years, and in some places I’ve added additional material to  further explain ideas and concepts. 


Office hour

I will hold an office hour on Mondays between 9.00 and 10.00 am.  The link for the Teams meeting is





Problem sheets

There are four problem sheets. Below I indicate the lectures to watch ahead of attempting the problem sheets.  


Sheet 1: please view lectures 1 – 7.  

Sheet 2: please view lectures 8 - 14.

Sheet 3: covers material in chapter 3 and 4 of the online lecture notes. The lectures 15 – 18 cover chapter 3 of the online notes.  Lecture 19 covers chapter 4 of the online notes.

Sheet 4: covers chapter 5 of the online notes. Please view lectures 20-24.


Feedback: please email

Last modified: Sunday, 6 February 2022, 6:34 PM