1. R. J. Atkin and N. Fox, An introduction to the theory of elasticity (Courier Corporation, 2013)
  2. M. E. Gurtin, A introduction to continuum mechanics, (Academic Press, 1982).
Further Reading:
  1. S. S. Antman, Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity, vol 107 of Applied Mathematical Sciences (Springer, 2015).
  2. J. E. Marsden and T.J.R. Hughes, Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity (Courier Corporation, 1994)
  3. P. G. Ciarlet, Mathematical Elasticity, Studies in Mathematics and its Applications; v. 20, 27, 29 (North--Holland, 1988).
  4. K. Bhattacharya, Microstructure of martensite: why it forms and how it gives rise to the shape-memory effect (Oxford University Press, 2003)
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 7:17 PM