Reading List
Completion requirements
- T. Leinster, Basic category theory, (CUP, 2014) Chapters 1-5, available online arXiv: 1612.09375
- E. Riehl, Category theory in context (Dover, 2016) Chapters 1-5, available online
Further Reading:
- S. Awodey, Category theory, Oxford Logic Guides (OUP, 2010)
- D. Eisenbud, J. Harris, The geometry of schemes.
- S. Lang, Linear algebra 2nd edition, (Addison Wesley, 1971) Chapter XIII, out of print but may be available in college libraries.
- S. Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician, 2nd ed., (Springer, 1998)
- D.G. Northcott, Multilinear algebra (CUP, reissued 2009)
- E. Riehl, Categorical Homotopy theory (CUP, 2014), available online at
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 7:30 PM