1) Richard Kaye and Robert Wilson, Linear Algebra (OUP, 1998) ISBN 0-19-850237-0. Chapters 2--13. [Chapters 6, 7 are not entirely relevant to our syllabus, but are interesting.]

Further Reading:

1) Paul R. Halmos, Finite-dimensional Vector Spaces, (Springer Verlag, Reprint 1993 of the 1956 second edition), ISBN 3-540-90093-4. sections 1--15, 18, 32--51, 54--56, 59--67, 73, 74, 79.
[Now over 50 years old, this idiosyncratic book is somewhat dated but it is a great classic, and well worth reading.]

2) Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson, Schaum's Outline of Linear Algebra (3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 2000), ISBN 0-07-136200-2. [Many worked examples.]

3) C. W. Curtis, Linear Algebra - an Introductory Approach, (4th edition, Springer, reprinted 1994).

4) D. T. Finkbeiner, Elements of Linear Algebra (Freeman, 1972). [Out of print, but available in many libraries.]

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 7:44 PM