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Theodore Shifrin, Multivariable Mathematics (Wiley, 2005). Chapters 3-6.

T. M. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis: Modern Approach to Advanced Calculus (World Students) (Addison Wesley, 1975). Chapters 6 and 7.

S. Dineen, Multivariate Calculus and Geometry (Springer, 2001). Chapters 1-4.

J. J. Duistermaat and J A C Kolk, Multidimensional Real Analysis I, Differentiation (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

M. Spivak, Calculus on Manifolds: A modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculus, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam, 1965.

Further Reading:

William R. Wade, An Introduction to Analysis (Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000). Chapter 11.

M. P. Do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (Prentice Hall, 1976).

Stephen G. Krantz and Harold R. Parks, The Implicit Function Theorem: History, Theory and Applications (Birkhaeuser, 2002).

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 8:04 PM