I thought it could be useful for your preparations, if I provide some information on the exam that I put together for the course A11: Quantum Theory. 

I designed the exam to test your understanding of the material and not your ability to master the solution of previous exams. It follows from this principle that
- The exam that you are going to take has less overlap with previous exams than in the past
- So revising the lecture notes (and your own notes) carefully is likely more useful than in the past. Also sketch the derivations/proofs for yourselves to test your understanding.
- You will have to adapt your knowledge to setups that at first sight look somewhat unfamiliar. But no knowledge beyond the notes is required to solve the problems. 
- To train yourselves in facing new setups, looking at some extra material in Zwiebach may be worthwhile. The book is very similarly structured as our course, but contains a lot more material.  
- You don’t need to memorise elaborate formulas from the notes, they will always be given to you in the statement of the problem.

Last modified: Saturday, 16 December 2023, 4:56 PM