Section outline

  • Course materials include: Panopto videos, Lecture Notes, Problem Sheets, an R code, additional slides.

    There are 26 videos of various length. They cover specific sections of the lecture notes and follow a uniform naming convention: video XY is the Yth video on the contents of Chapter X. All videos are accessed via Panopto and all have attached PDFs with the complete set of notes made during the video.

    Lecture Notes will be updated as the term goes on - I remove typos when/if those are spotted and I try to add on more of the non-examinable material. 

    There are four problem sheets, see below, and each is clearly linked to the relevant chapter in the Lecture Notes and the videos.

    Finally, I will post here some additional materials, e.g., R Code for SSRW examples (covered in 02 - Introduction), notes on percolation or applications further afield. Stay tuned!