Section outline

    • There is an initial problem sheet 0, designed for early in week 1 for revision and collecting stuff from earlier courses.  Solutions are provided.  Sheets 1,2 and 3 are available, in two versions (with and without solutions to section A in order to help reduce temptation).  Versions with solutions (or hints / references) to section C will be uploaded after the relevant class.

    • Sheet 1 is based on sections 2,3, first part of section 4 and appendix A of the notes.  The relevant 2020 videos are those upto and including 4.1, and most of the questions should be tack-able after the third lecture in 2021 (one or two might need material from lecture 4).

    • Sheet 2 is based on the material upto and including section 6 of the notes (including appendix A). This is covered in the lecture videos upto and including 6.1 from 2020, and I'll comment about how many of the 2021 lectures we'll need when we get there.

    • Sheet 3 is based on material up to section 9 in the notes, which is the videos up to and including 10.3 in the 2020 pre-recorded videos.  How far into the 2021 course that is we wait and see!

    • Parts A and B of Sheet 4 is based on material upto and including section 12 of the course; the first three questions of section C aren't extensional as usual, but cover sections 13 and 14.  The remainder of Section C is extensional, often very much so.