Schedule of Units (2024-25)
The examination for Part B shall consist of units in Mathematics and subjects in Philosophy. The schedule of units in Mathematics shall be published on the Mathematical Institute website by the beginning of the Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of the examination concerned, after consultation with the Mathematics Teaching Committee. The schedule shall be in two parts: Schedule 1 (standard units) and Schedule 2 (additional units). In Philosophy the subjects shall be subjects 101-118, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 198 and 199 from the list given in Special Regulations for All Honour Schools Including Philosophy.
Each candidate shall offer:
(i) Four units of Mathematics from Schedule 1, two of which shall be B1.1 Logic and B1.2 Set Theory,
(ii) three subjects in Philosophy from 101-116, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127-129 137-139 and 198 of which two must be 122 and either 101 or 102, and
(iii) either two further units in Mathematics drawn from Schedules 1 and 2 combined or one further subject in Philosophy from subjects 101-116, 120, 124, 125, 127-129, 137-139, 198 and 199: Thesis.
Note that the units listed under Schedule 2 are not available to those who wish to offer a total of four Philosophy subjects.
All units in Mathematics are drawn from the list of options for Mathematics Part B.
Schedule 1 comprises those Mathematics Department courses for which the core and options in Mathematics & Philosophy Part A provide the requisite background.
Schedule 2 contains an Extended Essay option and certain further courses from Mathematics Part B appropriate for the Joint School.
In addition you may apply for special approval to be examined in Mathematics Department units not included under Schedule 1; any such subject approved will be treated as falling under Schedule 2.
Mathematics: list of units
(B1.1 and B1.2 are compulsory)
Schedule 1 (standard units)
The following are units unless otherwise stated.
B1.1 Logic
B1.2 Set Theory
B2.1 Introduction to Representation Theory
B2.2 Commutative Algebra
B2.3 Lie Algebras
B3.1 Galois Theory
B3.2 Geometry of Surfaces
B3.3 Algebraic Curves
B3.4 Algebraic Number Theory
B3.5 Topology and Groups
B4.1 Functional Analysis I
B4.2 Functional Analysis II
B4.3 Distribution Theory and Analysis of PDEs
B4.4 Fourier Analysis and PDEs
B8.1 Probability, Measure and Martingales
B8.2 Continuous Martingales and Stochastic Calculus
B8.3 Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives
B8.4 Information Theory
B8.5 Graph Theory
B8.6 High Dimensional Probability
SB3.1 Applied Probability
Schedule 2 (additional units and double-units)
The following are single unless otherwise stated.
BSP Structured Projects
BO1.1 History of Mathematics double unit
BOE Other Mathematical Extended Essay double unit
OCS1 Lambda Calculus and Types
OCS2 Computational Complexity
OCS3 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
OCS4 Computer-aided Formal Verification
And also:
Any other unit or double-unit course from the list of Mathematical Institute units in Part B for which special approval has been granted.
Philosophy (Subject 122 is compulsory and at least one of subjects 101 and 102 must be chosen)
101 Early Modern Philosophy
102 Knowledge and Reality
103 Ethics
104 Philosophy of Mind
106 Philosophy of Science and Social Science
107 Philosophy of Religion
108 The Philosophy of Logic and Language
109 Aesthetics
110 Medieval Philosophy: Aquinas
111 Medieval Philosophy: Duns Scotus and Ockham
112 The Philosophy of Kant
113 Post-Kantian Philosophy
114 Theory of Politics
115 Plato, Republic
116 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
120 Intermediate Philosophy of Physics
122 Philosophy of Mathematics
124 Philosophy of Science
125 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
127 Philosophical Logic
128 Practical Ethics
129 The Philosophy of Wittgenstein
137 Plato on Knowledge, Language, & Reality in the Theaetetus & Sophist (in translation)
138 Aristotle on Nature, Life and Mind (in translation)
139 Knowledge and Scepticism in Hellenistic Philosophy (in translation)
198 Special Subject
199 Thesis