Course Materials
Main content blocks
- Lecturer: Profile: Richard Earl
(i) understand the elementary theory of determinants;
(ii) understand the beginnings of the theory of eigenvectors and eigenvalues and appreciate the applications of diagonalizability.
(iii) understand the Spectral Theory for real symmetric matrices, and appreciate the geometric importance of an orthogonal change of variable.
Determinants and linear transformations: definition of the determinant of a linear transformation, multiplicativity, invertibility and the determinant.
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues, the characteristic polynomial, trace. Eigenvectors for distinct eigenvalues are linearly independent. Discussion of diagonalisation. Examples. Eigenspaces, geometric and algebraic multiplicity of eigenvalues. Distinct-eigenvalue eigenvectors are linearly independent.
Gram-Schmidt procedure. Spectral theorem for real symmetric matrices. Quadratic forms and real symmetric matrices. Application of the spectral theorem to putting quadrics into normal form by orthogonal transformations and translations.
Section outline
Chapter 0 - an introduction, syllabus, reading list.
Chapter 1 - the definition, properties and calculation of determinants.
Given a linear map can be represented by many different matrices, it's natural to ask if there a best choices of matrix representatives. Most square matrices can be diagonalized (as least working over the complex numbers) and the diagonal entries of such a matrix are called eigenvalues.
Invertible changes of variable preserve algebraic properties but not geometric ones. An orthogonal change of variable preserves the inner product and so lengths, angles and areas. The spectral theorem shows that it is precisely the symmetric matrices which can be diagonalized via an orthogonal change of variable.
James Maynard's lecture notes from 22-23