Practical Numerical Analysis (2021-22)
Main content blocks
- Lecturer: Profile: Kathryn Gillow
Section outline
Root-finding. The material for this sheet is contained in Lecture 1: Rootfinding.
The \(\theta\)-method for initial value ODE problems. The material for this sheet is contained in Lecture 2: Initial Value Problems: ODEs.
Runge-Kutta schemes for initial value ODE problems. The material for this sheet is contained in Lecture 3: Initial Value Problems: ODEs (question 1) and the first half of Lecture 4: Initial Value Problems: ODEs (question 2).
Linear Multistep Methods. The material for this sheet is contained in the second half of Lecture 4: Initial Value Problems: ODEs.
Matlab code for the bisection algorithm
Matlab code for Newton's method in one space dimension
The \(\theta\)-method for solving initial value ODE problems.
Function to solve \(du/dt=\lambda u\) with \(u(0)=1\) using the theta method
Runs the code theta_method1.m with a range of values for \(\lambda\) and numbers of timesteps to produce the plots for Example 1 in Lecture 2: Initial Value Problems: ODEs.
Matlab script to produce the figures in Example 2 in Lecture 2: Initial Value Problems: ODEs.
Runge-Kutta schemes for solving ODE initial value problems.
Matlab code to solve the problem \(du/dt=\lambda u\) with \(u(0)=1\) using explicit Euler and improved Euler schemes as in Lecture 3: Initial Value Problems: ODEs.
Code to generate the final figure in Lecture 3: Initial Value Problems: ODEs, illustrating convergence rates.
Adaptive Runge-Kutta schemes and linear multistep methods
Code to solve the heat equation using the explicit Euler scheme in time and central differences in space as described in Lecture 5: 1D Parabolic PDEs: Finite Difference Methods.
Code to solve the heat equation using the \(\theta\)-method in time and central differences in space as described in Lecture 5: 1D Parabolic PDEs: Finite Difference Methods.
Code to solve the heat equation with a Robin boundary condition using the \(\theta\)-method
Use with neumannbceg.m. This code produces a convergence plot of the results of solving the heat equation with a Robin boundary condition using the \(\theta\)-method. We use two different second order approximations to the boundary condition.