B3.3 Algebraic Curves (2023-24)
Main content blocks
- Lecturer: Profile: Dominic Joyce
Algebraic curves in the complex projective plane. Irreducibility, singular and nonsingular points, tangent lines.
Bezout's Theorem (the proof will not be examined). Points of inflection, and normal form of a nonsingular cubic.
Nonsingular algebraic curves as Riemann surfaces. Meromorphic functions, divisors, linear equivalence. Differentials and canonical divisors. The group law on a nonsingular cubic.
The Riemann-Roch Theorem (the proof will not be examined). The geometric genus. Applications.
Section outline
Lecture notes by Nigel Hitchin. Based on the textbook "Complex Algebraic Curves" by Frances Kirwan, which is an excellent reference for this course.
I think it would be better if you come to the lectures in person. It will make you a superior human being, and you can ask questions. However, I am aware that the lectures are being made available online and some idle lummockses will stay home and watch them in bed. It will probably be difficult to read the whiteboards on the videos.
Here are handwritten notes of what I intend to write on the board in the lectures (I will say more than this), in case of problems with reading the boards in the videos.
This is an initial optional problem sheet to get you started before the classes. Do not hand in solutions. Sample solutions are on the course web page. Reading: sections 1 and 2 of the Hitchin lecture notes.
This is the problem sheet for the first class in weeks 2 or 3. It is based on the first three lectures on projective geometry, Hitchin notes chapter 1.
Only Section B will be marked. The file 24B33Sheet1.pdf just contains the questions, whilst the file 24B33Soln1A+C.pdf contains the questions and the solutions to Sections A and C.
This is the problem sheet for the second class in weeks 4 or 5. It is based on lectures 4-8, Hitchin notes chapters 2 and 3.
Only Section B will be marked. The file 24B33Sheet2.pdf just contains the questions, whilst the file 24B33Soln2A+C.pdf contains the questions and the solutions to Sections A and C. -
This is the problem sheet for the third class in weeks 6 or 7. It is based on lectures 7 - 11, Hitchin notes sections 3-4.2.
Only Section B will be marked. The file 24B33Sheet3.pdf just contains the questions, whilst the file 24B33Soln3A+C.pdf contains the questions and the solutions to Sections A and C. -
This is the problem sheet for the fourth class in week 8 or week 1 of TT23. It is based on lectures 11 - 16, Hitchin notes sections 4-5.
Only Section B will be marked. The file 24B33Sheet4.pdf just contains the questions, whilst the file 24B33Soln4A+C.pdf contains the questions and the solutions to Sections A and C. -
In the revision lecture I will go over the 2023 B3.3 paper. I'll use slides, which you can download here, as then it's more likely I can get through the paper in an hour. Questions will be welcome.