Section outline

    • Lecture notes from 2019. No specific changes are planned this year, but it is possible that there may be minor changes, in which case updated notes will be uploaded.

    • Summary of asymptotic notation used in this course.

    • Introductory problem sheet. Not for classes. Hints/solutions will be uploaded at the end of week 1.
    • Hints / solutions for the self-study sheet 0. Please try the questions before looking at the solutions!
    • Problem sheet for the first class. Based on material from weeks 1 and 2. Most questions accessible after week 1; Questions 6 and 7 use second moment ideas likely covered in Lecture 4 (but just the basics). Two versions, with and without solutions to question 1.

      Version with hints for the MFoCS questions added.
    • Problem Sheet 2, based on lectures from weeks 3 + 4. Versions with and without solution to Q1. (Try it yourself before looking at the version with solution!)

      Version with hints for the MFoCS questions added.
    • Problem sheet 3, based on material lectured in weeks 5 and 6.

      Version with hint for MFoCS question added.
    • Problem sheet 4, for the final class. Two files, with and without solution to the section A question. Already accessible after week 7 lectures.