Section outline

    • There is an initial problem sheet 0, designed for early in Week 1 for revision and collecting stuff from earlier courses.  Solutions are provided.  Sheets 1-2 are available, in two versions (with and without partial solutions in order to help reduce temptation). Versions with complete solutions will be provided later, after classes.

    • Sheet 1 is based on sections 2,3 and some of 4 plus appendix A of the notes.  Most of the questions should be approachable after the third lecture of 2024 (one or two may need material from lecture 4).

    • Sheet 2 is based on the material up to and including section 6 of the notes (including appendix A).  Ideally we will be ready for sheet 2 around lectures 7-8 depending on pace; this is subject to change!

    • Sheet 3 is based on material up to section 7 in the notes.

    • Parts A and B of Sheet 4 is based on material up to and including section 11 of the course notes. Section C contains material from section 12 (Schauder basis), which we will unfortunately not reach this term. A bonus section D is included for further extensional material.