B3.2 Geometry of Surfaces (2022-23)
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Section outline
These are Nigel Hitchin's 2013 Geometry of Surfaces lecture notes. I based my lectures on them, and they are the primary reference for the course.
These are the handwritten slides for the pre-recorded lectures in the COVID year 2020, in one file. Divided into Lectures 1-18 and sections 1-5. They more-or-less exactly correspond to what I intend to write on the board in lectures, though divided into 18 rather than 16.
This is an initial optional problem sheet to get you started before the classes. Do not hand in solutions. It is based on the first three lectures, sections 1-2.5 in the slides, on topological surfaces, Hitchin notes chapter 2. Sample solutions are on the course web page.
This is the problem sheet for the first class in weeks 2 or 3. It is based on the first five lectures on topological surfaces, sections 1-2 in the slides, Hitchin notes chapter 2. Please hand in solutions.
This is the problem sheet for the second class in weeks 4 or 5. It is based on lectures 5-8 on Riemann surfaces, section 3 in the slides, Hitchin notes chapter 3. Please hand in solutions.
This is the problem sheet for the third class in weeks 6 or 7. It is based on lectures 9 - 14 on smooth surfaces and Riemannian metrics as far as the statement of the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, sections 4.1-4.10 in the slides, Hitchin notes sections 4.1-4.6. Please hand in solutions.
This is the problem sheet for the fourth class in week 8 or week 1 of HT23. It is based on lectures 13 - 16 on geodesics, critical points, and the hyperbolic plane, sections 4.9, 4.11 and 5 in the slides, Hitchin notes sections 4.6-4.7 and 5. Please hand in solutions.